Refining Searches

In most cases just entering your search term is sufficient to get you close to what you are looking for. For those times you want to refine the results you can use the following techniques.

Excluding Terms

Terms can be excluded from your search by preceding them with a NOT. For example "neuromodulation NOT pain".

Alternate Terms

You can provide alternate terms in your search by combining them with OR. For example "neuromodulation OR stimulation"

Prefix Terms

Terms that end with an "*" will be treated a prefixes and will search for any term that contains that value. For example "neuro*"

Exact Phrase

Placing words inside quotes will return results with the exact phrase. For example ""neuromodulation pain""

!Bang Codes

PathSurveyor provides some additional refinement features that allow you to narrow the scope of your search. These are called bang codes because of the exclamation point (!) used to prefix them.

The following codes are available:

Note: the bang code must be at the very beginning of your query to work properly.