{docinfo.knumber} - {docinfo.device_name}

{docinfo.city}, {docinfo.state} {docinfo.postal_code}
Product Code: {docinfo.product_code}
Date Received: {date_received}
Decision Date: {decision_date}

510(k) Full Submission

The FDA has made available a redacted submission for this 510(k). Redacted submissions do not contain testing data.

[FDA Full Submission (WARNING: Large File!)⇒]

1}> Submissions like this take an average of { Math.round(docinfo.average) } days to clear the FDA, but that's only a small part of the journey.

Contact in2being to find out how we can help develop your { committee } device and keep you on the right path.

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IDApproval DateDescriptionApplicant
{knumber} {decision_date.substring(0,10)} {device_name} {applicant}
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510(k) Submission Summary