{opts.pcode} - {docinfo.device_name}

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21

{ docinfo.cfr_text }

Product Codes Under This Regulation

1}> Submissions for devices with this product code take an average of { Math.round(result.average) } days to clear the FDA, but that's only a small part of the journey.

Contact in2being to find out how we can help develop your { committee_abbr[opts.docinfo.review_panel] } device and keep you on the right path.

Class I devices like these often don't require an FDA submission, but are still regulated by the FDA.

Contact in2being to find out how we can help develop your { committee_abbr[opts.docinfo.review_panel] } device and keep you on the right path.

Class III devices like these are the most regulated and require an extensive development effort and pre-market approval by the FDA.

Contact in2being for guidance on developing your { committee_abbr[opts.docinfo.review_panel] } device and keeping you on the right path.

Unclassified devices like these are pre-amendment devices where a regulation has not been enacted. These devices require a 510(k) submission.

Contact in2being for guidance on developing your { committee_abbr[opts.docinfo.review_panel] } device and keeping you on the right path.

Devices like these are non-classified { unclass_reason[opts.docinfo.unclassified_reason] }.

Contact in2being for guidance on developing your { committee_abbr[opts.docinfo.review_panel] } device and keeping you on the right path.

Recently Approved {opts.pcode} Devices

IDApproval DateDescriptionApplicant
{knumber} {decision_date.substring(0,11)} {device_name} {applicant}
None Found

{opts.pcode} Device Full Submissions

IDApproval DateDescriptionApplicant
{knumber} {decision_date.substring(0,11)} {device_name} {applicant}
None Found